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SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process to increase the visibility of a website or a web page in the search engine results pages (SERP). The higher the rank of a website or a web page in the SERP, the more the chances that the website or the web page will be visited by the users. SEO is a part of the broader category of SEM or Search Engine Marketing. SEM includes SEO as well as other marketing activities like PPC or Pay Per Click advertising, social media marketing, etc. SEO is a process of optimizing a website or a web page for the search engines with the aim of increasing its rank in the SERP. The main aim of SEO is to get more organic or unpaid traffic to a website or a web page. SEO is not a quick process and it takes time to show results. The results of SEO are not instant and it may take weeks or even months to show the results. SEO is a long-term process and it should be given enough time to show results. It is not a one-time process and it needs to be given continuous attention to maintain the ranking in the SERP. SEO process includes the following steps: 1. Keyword Research: The first and the most important step in SEO is keyword research. The aim of keyword research is to find out the relevant and the most searched keywords for a website or a web page. 

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The keywords should be relevant to the content of the website or the web page. 2. On-Page SEO: After the relevant keywords are finalized, the next step is to optimize the website or the web page for those keywords. This is called on-page SEO. On-page SEO includes optimizing the title, meta tags, description, etc. of the website or the web page for the relevant keywords. 3. Off-Page SEO: Off-page SEO includes all the activities that are done outside the website or the web page to increase its rank in the SERP. Off-page SEO activities include link building, social media marketing, etc. 4. Monitoring and Reporting: The last step in SEO is monitoring and reporting. The SEO process should be monitored on a regular basis to check the progress and the results. The SEO activities should be reported to the concerned person. SEO is a very important process for any website or web page to increase its visibility in the search engine results pages and to get more organic or unpaid traffic.

Las Vegas SEO Experts work process

James Lanham


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